House of God [HG Ministry] is a Russian-speaking church community located in the beautiful Pacific Northwest. With regular services and outreach ministries, we are a place to learn. A place to worship. A place to grow in Christ.
Peace to you . La paz esté con ustedes. Friede sei 'mit dir. Мир вам.שהשלום יהיה עימך
HG Ministry's Covid-19 Response
Dear Church Members and Guests,
We hope you and your family are healthy and safe during these unprecedented times.
COVID-19 is now affecting every part of the world, bringing uncertainty and disruption to businesses, communities, and families, leading to a lot of abrupt changes in how we live our life. Your family's safety is important to us and to protect the health and well-being of our community, we continue to monitor all federal, state, and local alerts, as guidance and recommendations continue to evolve.
Oregon Governor Kate Brown has instructed all gatherings of 25 people or more to refrain from meeting. In accordance with this instruction and to ensure that we are doing what we can to keep our congregations safe, we will not be holding the regular services you are accustomed to participating in at both the Portland and Vancouver locations.
Gathering as a church community is our priority, and while we are unable to accomplish this in person, we are excited to share that we will continue to hold services LIVE online every Sabbath at 10:00am and 6:00pm. Video of our most recent services will be available throughout the week on our church-wide digital platforms, HG Ministry's YouTube channel and our Watch page, for you to enjoy and share with family and friends.
Please continue to check back here for updates on our response to this situation.
Ultimately, while we continue to put safety measures in place and exercise wisdom in keeping ourselves and loved ones safe. Our faith and security is in Jesus Christ! We pray that you would be protected, and that this virus will be quickly contained and conquered.
If you have any questions or in need of spiritual support, please don't hesitate to contact us by phone (503-548-7400) or e-mail (
With Love, Alex Vinokurov, Administrator HG Ministry
We are always here for you. If you are in need of prayer for any reason, please feel free to fill out the form and someone from our prayer ministry will reach out to you as soon as possible.
We respect your privacy. All prayer requests will only be shared to the extent you feel comfortable.
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